Bloomberg Harvard City Hall Fellowships

  About the Fellowship

Successful applicants will be placed in paid, two-year fellowships in municipal leadership in city halls across the United States and tasked with supporting cities in developing and deepening capabilities to address pressing municipal challenges.‍

The fellowship provides a competitive salary and benefits plus robust professional development and cohort learning throughout the two years, including in-person convenings and numerous opportunities to interact with and learn from peers, Bloomberg Harvard staff, and faculty.‍

Graduates of any Harvard master’s or professional degree programs are eligible to apply, including international graduates.

Group of Harvard graduates who hold City Hall Fellowships
The inaugural cohort of Bloomberg Harvard City Hall Fellows with program staff, 2022


City leaders are often best positioned to make government more effective, efficient, innovative, and equitable for residents. Working in a city hall provides you with the opportunity to work with a group of dedicated people to help make positive change happen. Read about our current and alumni Fellows and their work.

Check your graduate program’s career services communications for in-person information sessions across the University in late December to early January. Sessions typically take place at HKS, HLS, GSD, HGSE, and other Harvard schools.

Contact Snapper Poche or Lindsay Woodson with questions or for more information.


The second cohort of the Bloomberg Harvard City Hall Fellows pose for a group photo.
The second cohort of Bloomberg Harvard City Hall Fellows, 2023


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